Life unfolds in unexpected ways. Eliot Peper has been a frequent guest, and at times, even a co-host of the show. We’ve followed his story since his first novel came out. First Novel Interview – Jun 18, 2014 Second Novel Interview – Dec 3, 2014 Third Novel Interview – Jul 29, 2015 And today, Eliot’s 8th book […]
One of my personal mentors has just written a book on entrepreneurship… and it happens to be a damn good one too. Listen to this podcast for just a snippet of his wisdom and buy his new book: The San Francisco Fallacy to learn more from this really amazing man.
This week, Adam Cheyer talks to us about co-founding Siri and the future of AI. Yes, that Siri. 😉 Adam’s background is fascinating. He didn’t even start to try to be an entrepreneur until his 40’s. In a world full of bright-eyed 20-something entrepreneurs trying to make it, but instead ending up in a rat-race of their own creation, […]
This week, David S. Rose talks to us about his new book: The Startup Checklist: 25 Steps to a Scalable, High-Growth Business How do you start a company? Most people think they know, but they get it all wrong. David S Rose has been an entrepreneur and investor for decades. He’s seen it from both […]
What’s the difference between a healthy belief in one’s self and an unhealthy ego that will tear your world apart? What was it that lead DeLorean to be prosecuted for buying millions of dollars of cocaine? How can you make sure you don’t find yourself in a mess like that? Pick up Ryan Holiday’s newest book, Ego […]
Patrick McGinnis has a new book out called The 10% Entrepreneur. It’s a novel idea that has the same roots as Nassim Taleb’s barbell investing approach. Nassim Taleb suggests putting 10% of your assets in high-risk high-reward assets that could multiply enormously and the other 90% of your assets in plain old cash. That way you can never go […]
Josh Maher is a Seattle-based author and angel investor who is written a book recently called “Startup Wealth: How the Best Angel Investors Make Money In Startups” about how to create personal wealth by investing through startups. He’s interviewed many great angel investors including Chris DeVore who was also on this podcast and invested in my startup. […]
Today we talk to startup thriller author Eliot Peper about his new book Uncommon Stock: Exit Strategy which finishes the Uncommon Stock trilogy. Eliot Peper, co-host of this podcast and author of startup thrillers had a dream to write fiction for entrepreneurs. After years of dedication to his craft, he has finally finished the 3rd […]
What does it take to motivate your employees without necessarily changing compensation structures? In this show, you will learn the 2 biggest tips that anyone starting to learn about managing people should know as well as the 2 biggest mistakes people make. Kevin Kruse has turned this into a science in his book “We: How to Increase […]
These 21 heard-earned lessons Andrew has learned along the way to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Andrew has had an interesting background having been in jail and turned around his life by becoming an successful entrepreneur. He has also become a prolific writer on sites like Entrepreneur where he first wrote his 21 tips for entrepreneurs and it took off, […]